G. di John Berger Per la storicizzazione del personaggio neo-modernista


  • Fausto Ciompi Università di Pisa




English literature; John Berger; G,; neo-modernism; character; Don Juan.


The essay focuses on G., the eponymous hero of John Berger’s neo-modernist novel, and on some minor characters in the story – i.e., the women figures and the stone guest – in order to clarify Berger’s re-interpretation of the Don Juan archetype as a biological and “anti-historical” revolutionist. Special attention is paid to the narrative modalities through which characters are constructed in a novel that brings together both realist and modernist features, in order to criticize the political disengagement of postmodernist relativism.


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How to Cite

Ciompi, F. (2020). G. di John Berger Per la storicizzazione del personaggio neo-modernista . ENTHYMEMA, (25), 24–36. https://doi.org/10.13130/2037-2426/13821



Per una nuova antropologia del personaggio
Received 2020-07-02
Accepted 2020-07-02
Published 2020-07-02