Writing after the End. Towards an anthropology of post-apocalyptic Bildungroman





Writing, Graphic novel, Bildungroman, Postapocalyptic narratives, Gipi (Gian Alfonso Pacinotti)


In La terra dei figli (2016) Gipi implicitly proposes, between the lines of a post-apocalyptic tale, a critical reflection on writing, on the uses and risks of this communicative resource and on its
relevance as a fundamental cultural pillar of our civilization. The contribution investigates this theme by activating the hermeneutic potential of a classic such as Ernesto De Martino’s study on cultural apocalypses and methodologically situating Gipi’s work within the current production of postapocalyptic narratives, and among them, in particular, those having young adults or adolescents as protagonists. Associated as a whole in the hybrid genre of post-apocalyptic Bildungroman, these narratives are interpreted as a symbolic form of post-modernity, according to Franco Moretti’s theoretical-methodological model. What emerges in conclusion is the attitude of a reassuring reproposition of the cultural values of contemporary civilization, albeit in the context of apocalyptic imagery, potentially rich in critical and polemical implications.


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How to Cite

Distefano, G. V. (2023). Writing after the End. Towards an anthropology of post-apocalyptic Bildungroman. ENTHYMEMA, (31), 240–261. https://doi.org/10.54103/2037-2426/18428



Received 2022-07-23
Accepted 2022-12-27
Published 2023-02-01