Exil et réinvention de l’identité chez Edward W. Said


  • Franca Sinopoli Università di Roma La Sapienza




Edward W. Said, exil, identité, autobiographie


Cet essai propose une relecture de l'autobiographie de Said, en indiquant ses thèmes principaux (l'exil, l'identité, histoire individuelle et Histoire collective) et en suggérant le lien avec d'autres textes de l’auteur, y compris l’Entretien avec Ari Shaviz.

This article proposes a reading of Said’s autobiography, stating its main themes (exile, identity, individual story and collective History) and suggesting a link with other his texts, including the Interview with Ari Shaviz


Amstrong, Paul B. “Being ‘Out of Place’: Edward Said and the Contradictions of Cultural Differences.” Modern Language Quarterly 64.1 (2003): 97–121. Print.

Bhabha, Homi K. “Of mimicry and man: the ambivalence of colonial discourse.” The Lo-cation of Culture. London-New York: Routledge, 1994. 85–92. Print.

Lejeune, Philippe. Le pacte autobiographique. Paris : Seuil, 1996. Print.

Said, Edward W. Orientalism. New York: Pantheon, 1978. Print.

---. Out of Place. A Memoir. New York: Vintage Books, 1999. Print.

---. “Mon droit au retour, Entretien avec Ari Shaviz.” Ha’aretz Magazine. Tel Aviv. 2000. Trad. it. “Il mio diritto al ritorno. Intervista con Ari Shavit.” Roma: Nottetempo, 2007. Print.

---, Reflexions on Exile and Other Essays. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press, 2002. Print.

Sinopoli, Franca. “La valigia delle identità. Memoria collettiva e memoria traduttiva in Out of Place di Edward W. Said.” La storia nella scrittura diasporica. Ed. Franca Sinopoli. Roma: Bulzoni, 1999. 215–236. Print.

Smith, Sidonie & Julia Watson. Reading Autobiography. A Guide for Interpreting Life Narrative. Minneapolis-London: University of Minnesota Press, 2001. Print.



How to Cite

Sinopoli, F. (2016). Exil et réinvention de l’identité chez Edward W. Said. ENTHYMEMA, (13), 159–166. https://doi.org/10.13130/2037-2426/6700



Received 2016-01-04
Accepted 2016-01-04
Published 2016-01-09