Call for Papers

The call for papers for Issue II/2024 is now open. "Ex Chordis – A Bowed Strings Journal" [ISSN 3034-8781] aims to explore the Culture of Bowed String Instruments in all its fields:

  • technique and performance practice;
  • history of instruments and repertoire;
  • artistic research;
  • teaching and new technologies;
  • generic topics concerning the performance practice for Bowed Strings.

Ex Chordis presents the following main sections:

  • "Essays" provides submissions by professors from Academic Institutions or independent researchers;
  • "Theses & Projects" provides submissions by students from degree Theses or research projects within Academic Institutions.

Deadline for submissions: May 8th, 2024

Submit your paper via Submissions. Acceptance will be communicated by June 2024. The publication is scheduled for July 2024.

Authors are requested to follow the Guidelines for Authors.

The submissions should be formulated in such a way as to:

  • indicate the field of the research, the state of the art, and the reasons for interest;

  • indicate the research object, the objectives, and the research question (input);

  • critically justify your position;

  • follow appropriate writing styles and presentation methods;

  • develop a documented conclusion (output).

The submission may be supported by any attached files (e.g. scores, audio or video recordings).

The intellectual property of the texts is owned by the individual authors. The author reserves the right to create derivative works and to reproduce, distribute, perform and publicly display his or her work in lectures, conferences, presentations or other works of a scientific nature. There will be no remuneration for authors of published papers. Authors must obtain a licence to publish iconographic material subject to copyright.