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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La submission non è stata precedentemente pubblicata, né proposta a un'altra rivista (oppure si fornisce una spiegazione all'editor nei commenti).
  • Il file di submission è in un formato *doc.
  • Il testo aderisce alle richieste stilistiche e bibliografiche riassunte nelle Norme redazionali, scaricabile nella sezione "Linee guida per gli autori".

Author Guidelines


The respect of the following instructions is an essential requirement for the acceptance of the submitted manuscript. Any failure to comply with these guidelines may result in rejecting the article. The lay out of the submitted manuscript should follow the graphic grid model in our site.
The text should not exceed 50,000 characters (spaces included).


Author should provide exclusively *.doc files, accompanied by a *.pdf copy.

Font, body text, spacing

The text should be in Garamond. For ancient Greek please use IFAO; whenever the transliteration is not sufficient, please use Sanskrit 2003 for Sanskrit. In case of special characters, the author will provide the font in its Windows version. Every text should be in point 12 and spacing 1.15.

Quotation marks

Please use the following quotation marks:

  • Guillemet « » for quotations (even of a single word) and titles of Journals.

  • Double quotation marks “ ” for hackneyed phrases or quotations within a quotation.

  • Single quotation marks ‘ ’ to enclose meanings of words or glosses.

    Titles and headers

    Titles in bold. Please avoid the alternation of italic and roman in the same title, heading and bibliographic reference.


    Author should add only footnotes and do not use endnotes. Please do not start a new paragraph in the same footnote. Note numbers in the body of text should appear before any following punctuation mark. (ex. note1.)


    Quotations longer than 3 lines should present a smaller pt. than the body of text and they should be preceded and followed by one extra line. Any other shorter quotation should be in roman in the text body. For quotations in Latin, please use italic and avoid quotation marks. Quotations in Greek should be in roman and should not be enclosed in quotation marks. Quotations in other languages should be in roman and enclosed in double quotation marks (“ “). For omitted text within a quotation, please use [...].

    Quotation + author + title of the work + passage: author may follow the habits of his specific literature, preserving coherence in the whole text. The names of Latin authors should be cited in the body of text, in their complete form and in the main language of the article, they should be followed by an abbreviation of the work title in italic, and by the other work internal references, the latter in Arabic numbers separated by commas. For references within footnotes, please use: Latin abbreviation of the noun, abbreviated Latin title of the work, other internal references.


    pp. 00-00, p. 00, p. 00 ff.; cf. (confer); n./nn. (note/notes); no./nos (number/numbers); ex. (for example); fig. (figure); pl./pls. (plate/plates); ms./mss. (manuscript/manuscripts); fol./fols. (folio); r./v. (recto/verso); c./cc. (column/columns); l./ll. (line/lines); v./vv. (verse/verses); TN (translator’s note); tab./tabs. (table/tables); NB (nota bene); n.s. (new series); anon. (anonym); vol. (volume); n.d.

(no date); n.p. (no place of publication). In case of reference to a note, please omit comma after the page number (ex. p. 129 n.7).
e.g. (exempli gratia), i.e. (id est), s.v. (sub voce), supra, infra.
Please lose also acronyms and the other recurrent non-bibliographic acronyms in the table of abbreviations at the end of the text (ex. ASMi Archivio di Stato di Milano, BAMi Biblioteca Ambrosiana Milano, etc.).

Quotation of documents and archive sources

Cited documents and other archive material in the footnotes: Name of the institution (acronym), folder, file, sheet or piece number.

Bibliographic quotations and Bibliography

References should be cited in the footnotes as follows: Author’s Surname + Year of the edition, p./pp. (ex. Foresti 1948, p. 52). Please use ivi, p. 00 and ibidem, in case of repetition of the same reference. Reference to websites or online sources is the same as printed sources: the author may add the website link in the footnote and in a webliography, which has to follow the bibliography.

General guidelines:

  • Please cite the author’s name always with the initial followed by a full stop; in case of double

    name, please use both initials without a space separation. In case of two or more authors, their names should be divided by a comma (both in quotations in the body of text and in the complete reference in the bibliography; ex. Guerrini, Manuselli / L. Guerrini, G.A. Manuselli).

  • Volume titles in italic.

  • Journal titles in roman and enclosed by guillemets.

  • Information about the publishing company is at the author’s complete discretion, but it has to

    be present and uniform in the whole bibliography.

  • Please list multiple works by the same author in ascending chronological order (please

    consider the first edition).

  • To distinguish more than one item published by a single author in the same year, please use

    small letters suffixed to the year of edition (ex. Zanusso 2002a, p. 68).

  • If the volume cited is a reprint, enclose in brackets the year of the first edition: 2007 (I. ed.

    1986). Exceeding particular cases, please give this information only in the Bibliography.

  • Editor/s: Author/Authors (a cura di), Italian title, etc.

Balboni 2009 De Blasi 1993

Raicich 1983

Author (ed./eds.), English title Author (éd. /éds.), French title Author (Hrsg.), German title

P.E. Balboni, Storia dell’educazione linguistica in Italia. Dalla legge Casati alla riforma Gelmini, Torino, Utet, 2009.

N. De Blasi, L’italiano nella scuola, in L. Serianni, P. Trifone (a cura di), Storia della lingua italiana, 3 voll., Torino, Einaudi, 1993-1994, I. I luoghi della codificazione, 1993, pp. 383-424.

M. Raichic, I libri per le scuole e gli editori fiorentini nel secondo Ottocento, in I. Porciani (a cura di), Editori a Firenze nel secondo Ottocento. Atti del convegno (13- 15 novembre 1981), Gabinetto scientifico letterario G. P. Vieusseux, Firenze, Olschki, 1983, pp. 297-340.

Beltrami 1914 L. Beltrami, Giuseppe Grandi e il monumento a Dante in Trento, «Il Marzocco», IX (11), 15 marzo 1914.

Zanuso 2002a S. Zanuso, Scheda 10. Busto di Ludovico Vistarini, in Il ritratto in Lombardia da Moroni a Ceruti, catalogo della mostra (Varese, Castello di Masnago, 21 aprile - 14 luglio 2002), a cura di F. Frangi, A. Morandotti, Milano, Skira, 2002, pp. 68-69.


The preferable format for illustrations is .jpg. The attached .pdf will be considered as a paste-up of the plates.
Image resolution should be of 300 dpi, with a 15 cm base.


Captions should be formulated as follows: progressive arabic numeral followed by a full stop, author, title (in italic for artworks), place (in full). Captions should be closed by a full stop.

1. Giovanni Gerolamo Savoldo, Magdalene, London National Gallery.
2. Giacomo Ceruti, Portrait of a girl of the Avogadro Family, Private collection.
3. Adolfo Widt, Cesare Sarfatti, 1927, marble, 46 cm high, Milan Calmarini collection. 4. Villimpenta (MN), villa Zani, facade.

Further information will be given the author after the acceptance of the manuscript. 

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