In defence of a free market



Parole chiave:

Free Market, Anarcho-capitalism, Informal economy, Marginalized groups, Participative Democracy, Clinical Legal Education


In a dusty square of an ancient neighborhood of Palermo, there is a miserable second-hand market called mercato dell’Albergheria. Merchandise sold is mainly stuff collected from garbage. Those who sell and buy are some of the poorest and most marginalized among the urban population, so none of the sellers has a license or pays any tax. Nevertheless, Albergheria market had existed undisturbed for about twenty years. It, therefore, seems to be an actualization of the free market ideal. The State is not there: neither to give nor to require. In the main square, where the market is, an odd coincidence occurs: one of the buildings, an ex-cinema, is now a lecture hall of the Law Department of the University of Palermo. So, where everything is illegal, youth is trained in the legal professions. This paradoxical circumstance was the occasion of a legal education experiment and action research, configurable in terms of “street law upside-down”.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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