No. 1 (2023): 1/2023

Social bonds and terrorism: Sociological Considerations from some italian jihadist women

Uliano Conti
Università degli studi di Perugia

Published 2023-07-25


  • terrorism,
  • sociology,
  • law,
  • jihadism,
  • radicalization,
  • bonds
  • ...More


The article considers the topic of Jihadist terrorist radicalization. It proposes some cases of Italian radicalized women, since the literature on the subject focuses mainly on men. The analysis allows interesting elements to emerge on the relevance of interpersonal ties for terrorist adhesion. The bond is, therefore, an element on which to focus attention, also in the light of the Italian penal code. In this perspective, the crimes provided for by the code can be framed in relation to terrorist recruitment strategies and the social contexts preferred by recruiters.


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