About the Journal

History, focus and scopus

The first issue of Sociologia del Diritto appeared in the Spring of 1974, inspired by its founder Renato Treves, who aimed to give a voice to a discipline in search of institutional recognition, even though its scientific roots had already been solidly established. It came out under the aegis of the Sociology of Law Commission of the Centro Nazionale di Prevenzione e Difesa Sociale (Cnpds – National Centre of Social Prevention and Defence). This body included high-ranking jurists, sociologists and legal philosophers. Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Law at the University of Milan, where debates and research in law and society flourished, hosted its editorial board and staff. Yet, the Journal was intended to be the expression of not just one but of plural currents of thought, being open to any and also dissenting opinions, on condition that they were rigorously based and clearly expounded, as its editor-in-chief used to say. In this light, the first two issues hosted a debate on the epistemological status of the discipline itself, where details, consonances and dissonances with Treves’ own original proposals almost equalized, paving the way for discussions that thrived for decades.

The Journal appeared twice a year from 1974 to 1979 with the Publisher Giuffrè and became four-monthly in 1980 when it moved to another publisher, Franco Angeli. Over the years, it covered the wide disciplinary area of the sociology of law – which, as Norberto Bobbio said, “follows the law as if it were its shadow” – with theoretical contributions and empirical research devoted to the most diverse aspects of law’s social life, offered by Italian and, quite often, foreign scholars representing a wide range of countries and cultures. Like other similar journals – such as the Law and Society Review, the Journal of Law and Society, the Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie, Droit et Société, Hoshakaigaku, and later the Oñati Socio-Legal Series – it contributed substantially to the development of a typically critical way of looking at law, now practised by tens of thousands of scholars all over the world.

Sociologia del diritto, which in the meantime belongs not only to the CNPDS but also to the Universities of Milan and Urbino Carlo Bo, now celebrates its fiftieth anniversary by becoming available to its domestic and foreign readers in open access via Milan University’s Press platform, in keeping with the accelerated tempo and agile modes of today’s scientific debate. Without making any sacrifices in terms of spaces but focusing on facilitating the online publication of its materials, it has now resumed its biannual frequency while undertaking to publish a hard copy version with the same frequency with the Milanese Publisher LEDizioni .

Not just law but society as a whole is immensely different compared to fifty years ago. Thus, describing and evaluating them critically, without ideologically closed mindsets, but with methodological rigour proper to scientific research, has now become much more demanding yet fascinating and inevitable.

Publication frequency

Sociologia del diritto is a biannual publication.  In its digital version, articles are published in an open issue immediately after the editorial and review process ends.

Open access policy

This Journal gives open access to its digital contents. Readers can download, use, print, distribute and/or copy content according to the licence we adopt.

Sociologia del Diritto uses a CC BY-SA 4.0 licence (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International)

This licence allows to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially) contents published by the Journal - provided that appropriate credit is given, a link to the license provided, any change made is indicated. Also, if you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same licence as the original.

Submitting an article to this Journal implies accepting that it will be published under this licence.

Sherpa Romeo

Preprint and postprint version of the articles can be archived anywhere under the same license.

Peer review policy

This Journal adopts a double-blind peer-review policy. The Referral Board conducts a preliminary evaluation of the contributions submitted to the Journal in terms of scientific adequacy and relevance to the thematic area of the Journal. The Editorial Staff then anonymously sends the contributions to referees who, unless otherwise agreed, provide their evaluation within 30 days.

Article Processing and Submission Charge

Articles in this Journal are published free of charge: no payments are required from the authors, as this Journal does not have article submission or processing charges (APCs).


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Copyright policy


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Research data

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Printed version

The printed version of Sociologia del Diritto can be bought from the Publisher Ledizioni.

Contact information

For more information, please contact sociologiadeldiritto@unimi.it