No. 2 (2023): 2/2023

The times of law: Climate crisis and changing legal forms

Veronica Pecile
Università di Lucerna / Istituto Svizzero di Roma

Published 2023-12-05


  • climate change,
  • legal time,
  • private law,
  • property,
  • commons


This article presents a temporal approach to law as potentially innovative for legal theory and practice. It posits that an analysis of the relationship between law and time is essential in order to decentre the subject of rights as conventionally conceived in Western modern law and to develop legal instruments capable of recognising networks, connections and assemblages. The current phase of climate change and ecological crisis is interpreted as a context in which it is possible to rethink the fundamental forms of modern law, and of private law in particular, in order to allow non-linear and non-human temporalities to enter legal thought and technique.


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