No. 2 (2023): 2/2023

Decision-making and role responsibility: A socio-comparative analysis between Italy and Poland on the Best Interest of the Child

Marta Basile
Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania
Deborah De Felice
Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania

Published 2024-01-30


  • best interest of the child,
  • children's rights,
  • judgments,
  • textual analysis,
  • expertise


This study presents the results of an exploratory comparative investigation between Italy and Poland. It regards the principle of the child’s best interest and the related decision-making responsibilities.

The methodology follows a reconstructive logic. Through both the textual analysis of the selected Polish and Italian judgments and the interviews conducted with professionals in their respective countries, the investigation explores the process through which the theoretical definition of the best interest of the child is translated into concrete actions, such as the implementation of targeted programs for child protection.

The aim is to examine the implementation practices on children’s rights protection in the two countries considering their adaptability and variability in response to different political and socio-economic contexts. The disparities between Italy and Poland underscore the complexity of challenges related to safeguarding the rights of minors in diverse legal and cultural contexts.


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