No. 2 (2023): 2/2023
Notes and Comments

From State Politics to Global Societal Constitutions: A review note on Scamardella’s Etsi Constitutio non daretur. Civil constitutions in the transnational world

Jiří Přibáň
Cardiff University, School of Law and Politics

Published 2024-02-14


  • social constitutionalism,
  • Gunther Teubner,
  • theory of systems,
  • transnational constitutional governance,
  • functional and reflexive Constitution


The article offers a critical reinterpretation of Francesca Scamardella’s latest monograph, Etsi Constitutio non daretur.
Civil constitutions in the transnational world
(2023). The book seeks to explore the category of ‘social constitutionalism’, whose main contemporary proponents include Gunther Teubner. However, this is not a simple re-proposal of the German sociologist’s theory, since the author situates the new “constitutional question” in the current social, political, and legal context, characterized by a multi-faceted regulatory pluralism. By calling for a new constitutional governance of a transnational type, post-Weimar constitutionalism is complemented by a reflective and a functional element. This leads us to imagine a constitutional normativity that would limit the expansionist power of social subsystems rather than organizing political power, as traditional Constitutions have done.


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