No. 1 (2024): 1/2024

My hands are tied! Disciplinary Measures And Police Officers In Italian Cinema and TV Series

Luca Martignani
Department of Political and Social Science, University of Bologna

Published 2024-06-12


  • Disciplinary Measures,
  • Crime Cinema and TV Series,
  • Rebel Officer,
  • Creator of Law,
  • Subversion


This essay focuses on the disciplinary measures applied to police officers in Italian crime cinema and TV series. Such measures are represented as narrative devices that show an anti-hero in conflict with society. From the point of view of the plot, the character takes on almost subversive connotations, positioning himself towards society as a potential creator of law. By analysing excerpts from films and TV series, the reasons why this legal creation is not realized are examined. Officers’ behavior rather indicates the critical potential of the detective genre, which departs from the perspective of amusement to offer insights into the relationship between the ethics of principles and responsibilities. The adoption of disciplinary measures offers the image of a legal system that seeks to stabilize social tensions. The officers’ reinstatement into service is the culmination of a narrative plot and a reflexive mechanism that the law develops in order to redefine its boundaries by accepting a certain degree of discretion by the officer subjected to disciplinary measures.


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