No. 1 (2024): 1/2024

Communicating environmental commitment: new european rules against greenwashing

Maria Cristina Reale
Department of Law, Economics and Culture, University of Insubria

Published 2024-07-02


  • european union,
  • greenwashing,
  • consumer protection,
  • green claims,
  • effectiveness


The article deals with the EU directives recently adopted to fight greenwashing and strengthen the protection of consumers and economic operators, as part of a broader strategy aimed at achieving an increasingly sustainable economy. The analysis of the two documents, taking into account also the amendments introduced during their final approval process, allows to underline certain distinctive features of the European legislative technique that, while on the one hand aims to harmonise the regulation of certain sectors at EU level, on the other hand tends to be particularly meticulous in the definition of rights and burdens and often exceed in adopting regulatory acts whose contents partially overlap. The risks are to raise more doubts than certainties among their addressees and to give rise to fragmented enforcement practices.


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