“ALHS! ALHS! Why Are You So OSINT?” Reading Books During Office Hours


  • Paolo Caponi Università degli Studi di Milano




This is not a story for people who cannot digest acronyms. Indeed, it is as if the secret
services, generally considered, simply could not do without them. If, as many contend,
in the term “military intelligence” resonates the echo of an oxymoron, acronyms may
undoubtedly reach the practical goal of saving mental and phonetic energy, killing not
less than two birds with a single stone. Applied to secret services and intelligence,
acronyms fulfill a double function: they confer an indisputable aura of scientific dignity
to what they aim at referring to, and they conceal behind a succession of usually eerie
capital letters what they also intend to reveal.


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Biografia autore/autrice

Paolo Caponi, Università degli Studi di Milano

Paolo Caponi (Varese, 1967) graduated at the University of Milan in 1995 and held a a doctorate in English Studies at the University of Venice. He is currently research fellow at the University of Milan where he teaches English Drama and Culture. He published: Adultery in the High Canon. Forms of Infidelity in Joyce, Beckett and Pinter (Milano, Unicopli, 2002) and Bambole di carne. Lolita prima e dopo il romanzo (Pisa, ETS, 2008).




Come citare

Caponi, Paolo. 2014. «“ALHS! ALHS! Why Are You So OSINT?” Reading Books During Office Hours». Altre Modernità, n. 11 (maggio):37-53. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/4042.



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