L'auteur et son nègre Figures de l'écrivain chez Delphine de Vigan


  • Laura Kreyder Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca




letteratura femminile, autobiografia, premi letterari, best-seller, Doppelgänger


An author of best-sellers, the most successful of which is an autobiography focused on her mother who committed suicide, Delphine de Vigan has only partially obtained recognition for her work, even if her latest novel, D'après une histoire vraie (2015), has been awarded by the Renaudot, one of the literary prizes that are authentic cultural institutions in France (v. Bourdieu, Ducas). The article analyzes the novel, whose plot, explicitly inspired by Stephen King, staged a writer and her doppelgänger, who is a ghost writer by profession. Through the examination of the way the characters have been shaped, the article investigates how the writer, behind the subterfuge of a fake autobiography and an unreliable narrator, ponders about the author's identity and suggests, in a hidden strategy, how to be positioned in the French literary field and establishment.


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Author Biography

Laura Kreyder, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca

Laura Kreyder è professore associato di Lingua e cultura francese all’Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca. Si è occupata di alcuni autori del Cinquecento (La Taille, Folengo) e di letteratura e infanzia (La passion des petites filles, Artois Université Presses, 2003). Di recente ha studiato l'influenza della cultura francese nell'opera di D. F. Wallace (in B. Pire-P. Patoine, David Foster Wallace. Presences of the Other, Sussex Academic Press, 2017).



How to Cite

Kreyder, Laura. 2018. “L’auteur Et Son nègre Figures De l’écrivain Chez Delphine De Vigan”. Altre Modernità, no. 19 (May):27-43. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/10105.