Amor, sexo y feminidad en el pensamiento anarquista. La idea de la emancipación femenina de dos anarquistas emblemáticas: Emma Goldman y Federica Montseny


  • Susana Sueiro Seoane Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Madrid)



This text compares two anarchist women. The one, Federica Montseny, a Spaniard and the other, Emma Goldman, a Russian émigré to the United States. Both met each other in person thanks to a mutual friend, the Austrian historian Max Nettlau, who encouraged Goldman to visit Spain, a country that had captivated him. Expelled from the U.S. and installed on the French coast, Goldman, exhausted after writing her biography, decided to follow her friend’s advice. Towards the end of 1928, she visited Barcelona and met the Urales family and Federica. It would seem that they did not get along. Although they had much in common, there were also many ideas and experiences that separated them. As I will go on to demonstrate, despite Goldman and Montseny sharing a commitment to anarchism and, being women, also the fight for women emancipation, their family backgrounds, life experiences, personal circumstances, all decisively influenced the different ideological and political perspectives of both.  I will argue here that the cause of sexual liberation and, in general, the problems related to sex were much more central to the life and works of Goldman than to those of Montseny. Goldman was far bolder, dared to bring into the public debating arena subjects considered intimate, that belonged to people’s private spheres, and this makes her a far more attractive figure for the newer generations than Montseny.


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Author Biography

Susana Sueiro Seoane , Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Madrid)

Susana Sueiro Seoane es Catedrática de Historia Contemporánea en la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Madrid). Desde 2006 su principal línea de investigación son las redes internacionales del anarquismo en el tránsito del siglo XIX al XX, centrándose en los aspectos culturales y de socialización de los obreros inmigrantes anarquistas que, procedentes de Europa, se establecieron en diferentes países de América Latina y EEUU. Sus últimas publicaciones son: “Anarquistas españoles en Estados Unidos: Pedro Esteve y el periódico El Despertar de Nueva York (1891-1902)”, en Julio Cañero (ed.), (2017) y “El periódico El Esclavo de Tampa y la red anarquista hispano-cubana en los Estados Unidos a finales del siglo XIX”, en Carlos Aguasaco (ed.), (2018).



How to Cite

Sueiro Seoane , Susana. 2019. “Amor, Sexo Y Feminidad En El Pensamiento Anarquista. La Idea De La emancipación Femenina De Dos Anarquistas emblemáticas: Emma Goldman Y Federica Montseny”. Altre Modernità, October, 49-78.