Posar como marginal


  • Marissel Hernández Romero Middlebury College, Vermont, USA




This work proposes that the Brazilian writer Ferréz and his characters should be seen as poseur. To reflect on the pose of the marginal, this work uses the proposal of Sylvia Molloy in her book Poses de fin de siglo, where Molloy, among other things, argues that the authors use the bodies to represent cultural statements and testimonies. The main analysis of this work will be based on the first two novels by Ferréz, Capão Pecado (2002) and Manual Prático do Ódio (2003). Likewise, this work proposes that posing is a much more appropriate tactic as a project to negotiate, claim and articulate an individual or collective identity for those who are marginalized. This work examines the poses to better understand the marginal’s world. In the work it will be shown how the characters of the Literatura Marginal of Ferréz talk mostly through their appearance, dress, gestures. The body of the marginal will be understood as a visible manifestation of self-government.


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Author Biography

Marissel Hernández Romero , Middlebury College, Vermont, USA

Marissel Hernández Romero posee un doctorado en estudios hispánicos y luso-brasileños de The Graduate Center, CUNY. Actualmente es profesora auxiliar visitante en Middlebury College, Vermont, donde imparte cursos de portugués, español y cultura latinoamericana y caribeña. Su investigación aborda diversos temas sobre masculinidades negras, la ciudad y planificación urbana a través de la literatura contemporánea y la música de Brasil, Cuba y Puerto Rico. Asimismo, desarrolla una investigación sobre afrofuturismo en América Latina y el Caribe. También ha colaborado como traductora de textos del portugués al español de los autores brasileños Machado de Assis, Roberto de Sosa Causo y Lu Ain Zaila.



How to Cite

Hernández Romero , Marissel. 2019. “Posar Como Marginal”. Altre Modernità, October, 218-32. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/12287.