La pittura di Devalle e la funzione paterna


  • Dario Trento



painting; violence; Pasolini; body; suicide


This text, reissued after the first publication in the catalogue of Beppe Devalle’s solo exhibition at MART (Rovigo), describes and explains a specific turning point in the painter's artistic choices that opened in 1993, when – according to the critic and in a way testified by the expressive choices of those years – a previously unaccounted for violence broke out in Devalle’s production. With the perceptiveness that derives from a profound competence combined with the ability to read Devalle's works in an articulate and complete way, Trento includes the pictorial fact into a revealing social and cultural framework, which helps quite a bit to understand the artistic choices and the impact of Devalle’s works.


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Author Biography

Dario Trento

Dario Trento era critico d’arte, attivo prima a Bologna e successivamente a Milano, dove insegnava Storia dell’Arte all’Accademia di Brera. Intellettuale originale e curioso, è stato uno dei principali estimatori dell’opera di Beppe Devalle, alla quale ha sempre assegnato un posto di grande rilevanza nella cornice dell'arte contemporanea.



How to Cite

Trento, Dario. 2020. “La Pittura Di Devalle E La Funzione Paterna”. Altre Modernità, no. 24 (November):1-9.