Oltre i muri: il caso di Bidisha





Asylm and Exile; Beyond the Wall; Bidisha; Walls; Refugees


A director, a successful journalist (working for The Daily Telegraph and The
Independent), the author of two best-selling novels which consecrated her fame as an
artist (Seahorses, 1997, and Too Fast to Live, published three years later), for the past ten
years, Bidisha has devoted her talent to creating narratives that mix fictional and nonfictional
elements (namely testimonies and reports). After Venetian Masters (2008), an
autobiographical work where she revealed the cultural biases behind the seemingly impeccable façade of Venetian society, Bidisha seemingly started a project aimed at the
inclusion of those who are commonly marginalized. Indeed, she is engaged in
metaphorically dismantling walls, which may be either real and tangible, or invisible,
such as those that prevent the refugees in London from being properly acknowledged.
By focusing on Beyond the Wall: Writing a Path through Palestine (2012) and Asylum and
Exile: The Hidden Voices of London (2014), this essay sets out to investigate the strategies
employed by the writer to document what walls normally hide, thus restoring the
dignity of precarious lives, striving to resist cultural annihilation.


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Author Biography

Elisabetta Marino, Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”

Elisabetta Marino è professoressa associata di letteratura inglese all’Università degli
studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”. È autrice di uno studio sulla figura di Tamerlano nella
letteratura inglese e americana (2000), un’introduzione alla letteratura bangladese
britannica (2005), un volume sulla relazione tra Mary Shelley e l’Italia (2011), un’analisi
di drammi romantici di argomento mitologico (2016). Ha tradotto poesie di Maria
Mazziotti Gillan raccolte in un volume (2006). Tra il 2001 e il 2019 ha (co-)curato dieci
raccolte di saggi e uno Special Forum del Journal of Transnational American Studies
(2012). Ha scritto sui romantici inglesi, sulla diaspora indiana, sulla letteratura di viaggio
e sulla letteratura italiana d’America.



How to Cite

Marino, Elisabetta. 2021. “Oltre I Muri: Il Caso Di Bidisha”. Altre Modernità, no. 25 (May):153-62. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/15550.