“Cimarroneándose y en bocabajos” ¿Una poesía afrocubana de la revolución? El caso de Georgina Herrera


  • Bibiana Collado Cabrera Universitat de València




The success of the Revolution in Cuba modifies the place socially occupied by the black population, the cultural policies and the genre paradigms as well as their organizational ways. How this process affects writing?
Our essay try to show the importance of the presence of afro-cuban in the written poetry  during the revolutionary period in Cuba. Specifically, we are interested in highlighting the genres and ethnicity cross and his differentiation with respect, on the one hand, to what had been considered until the moment like black poetry, and on the other hand, to the institutional poetry, that coincident with the aesthetic paradigm established by the regime.
The study around as it is located the subject woman-black in the Cuban cultural field is too broad to be face in this work. However, we try to study the Georgina Herrera’s case to show some of the textual strategies that she  used  for to be inserted in a tradition and a social literary circuit like the  Cuban.


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Author Biography

Bibiana Collado Cabrera, Universitat de València

Titulada en Filología Hispánica por la Universitat de València.
Máster Oficial de Estudios Hispánicos Avanzados. Trabajo de Máster: “Una mujer escribe este poema” Escrituras y figuraciones en torno a Carilda Oliver Labra.
Actualmente, matriculada en el Programa de Doctorado en Estudios Hispánicos Avanzados de la Universitat de València. Además, es personal docente investigador en el Departamento de Lengua y Literatura Española de la Universitat de València, mediante una Beca de Formación de Profesorado Universitario concedida por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España.



How to Cite

Collado Cabrera, Bibiana. 2011. “‘Cimarroneándose Y En bocabajos’ ¿Una poesía Afrocubana De La revolución? El Caso De Georgina Herrera”. Altre Modernità, no. 6 (November):74-84. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/1558.



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