Becoming-Dinosaur: Towards a Morphology of Creative Involution




Gilles Deleuze; Jack Horner; palaeontology; Chickenosaurus; Body without Organs; egg


Palaeontologist Jack Horner, along with molecular biologists and other experts, has been working on building an animal that he calls “the Chickenosaurus.” Horner’s purpose is to reverse-evolve a bird into a non-avian theropod by intervening on the genome expression of a chick’s embryo in ways that stimulate the formation of ancestral characteristics (activation of atavism). After a discussion of the project in its scientific detail, I offer a theoretical perspective on the topic that relies on concepts developed by Gilles Deleuze. In particular, I argue that the Chickenosaurus can be regarded as an eligible example of Deleuzian “becoming” and that it deserves philosophical attention in that it displays the “creative involution” through which novelty is produced.


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Author Biography

Alice Iacobone, Università degli Studi di Genova

Alice Iacobone is PhD student at the Philosophy Department of the University of Genoa (FINO Consortium) with a project concerning performativity and plasticity in sculpture. Her research lies at the intersection between aesthetics, philosophical morphology and art history, with a strong interest in theoretical biology.


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How to Cite

Iacobone, Alice. 2021. “Becoming-Dinosaur: Towards a Morphology of Creative Involution”. Altre Modernità, no. 26 (November):217-31.



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