Esperienze di didattica collaborativa nella Terza Missione: lingua tedesca per la formazione continua




Third Mission; lifelong learning; German language; situated learning; cooperative learning; assessment


The aim of this contribution is to investigate to what extent the sudden switch to distance learning and teaching in response to the Covid-19 pandemic impacted on the relation between the university system and the social fabric, in particular with respect to lifelong learning, a central component of the Third Mission. The starting point for the considerations which will be the carried out is the course for external users “German Language for Specific Purposes”, which was held in January and February 2021 at the University of Verona in the realm of the departmental Project of Excellence and the MultilinVR project. The outbreak of pandemic has made the educational role of university towards the different social actors even more significant, since they have been experiencing new goals and motivations, which have evolved and rephrased along with the modified social conditions. After having considered the educational needs of the participants, we will discuss the strategies which allowed for cooperative and situated learning – both in synchronous and asynchronous classes – and we will show how interaction was a deciding factor for this lifelong learning proposal to be effective. Moreover, the role and the forms of assessment will be analysed, as it assumes a function which is relevantly different from the objectives it pursues for canonical university students.


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Author Biography

Sabrina Bertollo, Università degli Studi di Verona

Sabrina Bertollo è Ricercatrice (RTDa) di Lingua Tedesca presso l’Università di Verona. Si è addottorata nel 2014 presso l’Università di Padova con una tesi di linguistica tedesca. Dal 2016 è attiva nella formazione iniziale e in servizio dei docenti di lingue e attualmente coordina il corso “Lingua tedesca per la comunicazione professionale” per utenti esterni promosso dall’Università di Verona. I suoi interessi di ricerca riguardano principalmente la sintassi e la didattica del tedesco. È stata relatrice a numerosi convegni ed è autrice di saggi in riviste internazionali.


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How to Cite

Bertollo, Sabrina. 2022. “Esperienze Di Didattica Collaborativa Nella Terza Missione: Lingua Tedesca Per La Formazione Continua”. Altre Modernità, no. 27 (May):113-30.