Tools and models for distance teaching in an English Language and Culture university course: the flipped classroom and cooperative learning in a digital environment




flipped classroom; distance teaching; COVID-19; task-based activities; teaching strategies


The Covid-19 pandemic emergency has contributed to shift towards a more learner-centred teaching approach accelerating an ongoing trend in the university system. Re-arranging teaching materials and devices in different forms using digital tools and delivering online lessons, has been a complex challenge for academics. This necessity to re-adapt and possibly implement and re-shape traditional contents has contributed to consolidate teaching strategies as the flipped classroom (integration of pre-recorded lectures with online synchronous lessons) cooperative learning among peers (both in class and on online platforms with discussion groups), and small group teaching. These teaching strategies have also brought about a general re-thinking of learning strategies on the students’ part. To meet students’ needs in this emergency situation, materials have also been frequently developed by teachers themselves. Given such premises, this paper reports on the challenging attempt to adopt the afore-mentioned teaching strategies in an online course (English Language and Culture) held in 2020/21 at the Department of Education Science (Roma Tre University), also providing the students’ response to a questionnaire submitted after the completion of the course.


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Author Biography

Fabio Luppi, Università degli Studi Roma Tre

Fabio Luppi: Research Fellow at Università degli Studi Roma Tre, where he teaches English Language and Translation at the Departments of Law and of Education Science. Author of the books, Cerimonie e artifici nel teatro di W.B. Yeats (NEU 2011), Fathers and Sons at the Abbey Theatre (1904-1938) (BrownWalker Press 2018), and La traduzione va in scena. Due casi di studio dall’inglese (Bagatto 2021). Edited Agostino Lombardo’s Cronache e critiche teatrali 1971-1977 (Bulzoni 2007), Barbara Arnett Melchiori’s Shakespeariana (Bulzoni 2016) and two issues of the Journal Joyce Studies in Italy (2015 and 2020). Main fields of interest: Irish studies, Post-Colonial Studies, Translation Studies and ESL.


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How to Cite

Luppi, Fabio. 2022. “Tools and Models for Distance Teaching in an English Language and Culture University Course: The Flipped Classroom and Cooperative Learning in a Digital Environment”. Altre Modernità, no. 27 (May):181-95.