El poder del lenguaje en la comunicación política en tiempos de COVID: análisis contrastivo multilingüe de los discursos de Pedro Sánchez, Boris Johnson, Giuseppe Conte y António Costa en los inicios de la pandemia





multilingual contrastive analysis; Critical Discourse Analysis; sanitary crisis communication; COVID-19; political discourse; persuasion techniques


In this paper, within the framework of Applied Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis, we will carry out a multilingual contrastive analysis of the speeches given by the political leaders of Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Portugal at the beginning of 2020, when they announced tough measures to face the health crisis caused by COVID-19. Our initial hypothesis is that they will employ different linguistic resources to persuade the audience, since, at the beginning of the pandemic, political parties joined their forces to make citizens aware of the necessity of working together to face the crisis. The aim of our research is to use real samples of language to detect similarities and differences among the texts, as well as forms of persuasion and/or mass manipulation, and to observe if the sender's ideology is manifested in the discourse. To do so, the research will be based on a qualitative study of the four discourses, but complemented with the data provided by Sketch Engine, which includes the words and collocations most used in each corpus. The results show that, except for some slight differences in the way they appeal to fear, in general the four speeches use similar persuasion techniques, as part of messages that appeal to patriotism, unity in the fight against the virus, and social responsibility.


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Author Biography

Alicia Mariscal Ríos, Universidad de Cádiz

Alicia Mariscal Ríos es Doctora Europea en Lingüística por la Universidad de Cádiz. Pertenece al Departamento de Filología (Área de Lingüística General), al grupo de investigación de excelencia “Semaínein” (HUM 147) y al Instituto de investigación en Lingüística Aplicada (ILA). Actualmente es profesora en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de Cádiz, donde imparte docencia en el Grado en Lingüística y Lenguas aplicadas, el Grado en Criminología y Seguridad y el Máster en Comunicación Internacional. Líneas de investigación: bilingüismo, contacto lingüístico, análisis contrastivo multilingüe, análisis crítico del discurso y enseñanza de lenguas.



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How to Cite

Mariscal Ríos, Alicia. 2022. “El Poder Del Lenguaje En La comunicación política En Tiempos De COVID: análisis Contrastivo multilingüe De Los Discursos De Pedro Sánchez, Boris Johnson, Giuseppe Conte Y António Costa En Los Inicios De La Pandemia”. Altre Modernità, no. 28 (November):37-53. https://doi.org/10.54103/2035-7680/19111.



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