“A purgatory of clichés”: Elizabeth Costello and the Impossible Paradise for Writers


  • Valeria Mosca




“At the gate” is the closing piece in J. M. Coetzee’s collection of short stories Elizabeth Costello (2003). It depicts Costello, fictitious novelist and prominent character in Coetzee’s late production, and the Kafkaesque waiting-room for Paradise she finds herself in.
The first aim of this essay is an exploration of this ambiguous afterlife: surprisingly and disappointingly mundane, it defies traditional expectations. Costello’s afterlife is also a meta-literary construct, and explicitly so. It displays itself as a purgatory of clichés and poor literary imitations, and thus allows Coetzee to expose the limits of literary representation.
Costello stands before a gate to Paradise; she is required a statement of belief to pass through, but she feels unable to provide it. She is a writer and, as such, maintains beliefs only provisionally. More than once, though, she is confronted with the idea that having beliefs is what makes us humans. The resulting division between the human and the writing self, and the impossibility of Paradise for the latter, are dealt with in the second part of this essay.
Identity and its persistence are central themes in Coetzee's works. In the last part of this essay, "At the Gate" is compared to some of them – most notably, to some sections of Diary of a Bad Year (2007), since there, too, the main character is an author reasoning on the afterlife.



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Author Biography

Valeria Mosca

Studentessa di Lingue e Letterature Europee ed Extraeuropee presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. Laurea triennale in Lingue e Letterature Straniere conseguita nel 2010. Tesi: J.M. Coetzee e l’etica della responsabilità individuale: il personaggio di Elizabeth Costello (come diversi elementi nel romanzo del 2003 Elizabeth Costello? tematiche trattate, tecniche ed espedienti narrativi, suggestioni terminologiche, riferimenti metatestuali? spingono il lettore alla formulazione di un pensiero etico autonomo). Interessi di ricerca: letteratura postcoloniale d’area africana; etica nella e della letteratura; ecocritica, animal studies e postumanesimo nella contemporaneità anglofona.



How to Cite

Mosca, Valeria. 2012. “‘A Purgatory of clichés’: Elizabeth Costello and the Impossible Paradise for Writers”. Altre Modernità, no. 7 (May):126-38. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/2141.



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