Paraísos ‘barrosos’: el éxtasis como foco central de la poética de Néstor Perlongher


  • Edoardo Balletta



misticismo, Santo Daime, neobarroco, Perlongher Néstor


The last period of Perlongher’s poetry has been considered with some ‘concern’ by criticswho have read the poet's interest in mysticism (especially the cult of the Santo Daime) as a consequence of the abrupt change in his life due to the discovery of seropositivity and, therefore, the impossibility of continuing with sexuality as an instrument of liberation and transcendence. Consequently his latter production (Aguas Aereas, El chorreo de las iluminaciones, El Auto Sacramental) has been considered in the line of ‘discontinuity’.
In this essay, on the contrary, I propose a reading of Perlongher’s mystical production based on the idea of continuity with his previous works to show how this perspective can help the critics to focus more clearly the core of his poetical experience.



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Author Biography

Edoardo Balletta

Doctor en literaturas hispanoamericanas por la Universidad de Bolonia (2006). Sus intereses se concentran en poesía hispanoamericana contemporánea, representación de la historia en los artefactos culturales, biopolítica y literatura. Además de varios artículos a publicado la monografía Tu svástica en las tripas. Retorica del corpo e storia in Néstor Perlongher (2009). Es miembro fundador de la revista online de estudios iberoamericanos Confluenze ( publicada por la Univ. de Bolonia en donde se desempeña también como docente.



How to Cite

Balletta, Edoardo. 2012. “Paraísos ‘barrosos’: El éxtasis Como Foco Central De La poética De Néstor Perlongher”. Altre Modernità, no. 7 (May):139-58.



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