Social Development, Natural Ecocide: An Ecofeminist Approach at Society in the Novel L’isola delle madri




ecofeminism; literature; eco-dystopia; pollution; infertility


Ecofeminism, with its roots in intersectional analysis, highlights the connections between dominion over nature and the oppression of women. This analytical category integrates the principles of ecology and feminism, promoting a philosophy that rethinks the social model and positions the individual in relation to others and the natural environment. The eco-dystopian novel by Maria Rosa Cutrufelli, L’isola delle madri, casts an anticipatory light on the impacts on nature and society of a world founded on biocidal and ecocidal principles. It describes a society born from hegemonic politics and economies, focused on immediate gain, detached from life, the earth, and the body. This eco-dystopia, masterfully depicted by Cutrufelli, emerges as a scenario of dark consequences of a post-natural era. Through the lens of ecofeminism, the essay analyzes the central themes of the novel such as the destruction of biodiversity and infertility, the results of a misunderstood concept of development. The study extends beyond the literary text, examining the sociocultural context to explore how eco-dystopia, in addition to being a literary genre, becomes a sharp tool for social and environmental critique.


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Author Biography

María Reyes Ferrer , University of Murcia

María Reyes Ferrer ha concluso gli studi presso l’Università di Salamanca, dopodiché ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca presso l’Università di Sevilla. È docente di Filologia Italiana presso l’Università di Murcia ed è membro del gruppo di ricerca Escritoras y Escrituras (Hum753). I suoi interessi di ricerca vertono sulle relazioni tra la letteratura e la maternità, e sugli studi femministi. Tra le sue pubblicazioni si annoverano “Spain and Structural Infertility: Towards an Integrative Vision of Motherhood in the Novel Quién Quiere Ser Madre by Silvia Nanclares” (2022); “La representación de la maternidad en la literatura italiana contemporánea” (2020).


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How to Cite

Reyes Ferrer , María. 2024. “Social Development, Natural Ecocide: An Ecofeminist Approach at Society in the Novel L’isola Delle Madri”. Altre Modernità, no. 31 (June):165-79.