La Psychanalyse matérielle chez Bachelard


  • Francimar Arruda



Keywords, Bachelard, philosophy, psychoanalysis


The objective of this work is to develop a reflection on the meaning of psychoanalysis material proposed by Bachelard in poetic side of his work. We will seek to show, throughout development, that the meaning of the term psychoanalysis is totally different in two aspects: epistemological and poetic.
This is because in epistemology, Bachelard exalts psychoanalysis as a method, while in poetry, criticizes the intensive Freudian psychoanalysis, showing that, due to its therapeutic purpose, fails to grasp the picture and dream of themselves, but rather rationalizes the . The text will become evident that only psychoanalysis material that leads to an area on the intimacy of the matter may result in the production of images and dreams whose dynamism leads to better understanding of the human spirit.


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Author Biography

Francimar Arruda

Francimar Arruda. Postdoctorat en Philosophie à l’Université de Bourgogne (France). Docteur en Théories de l’Imaginaire (UFRJ). Maître en Philosophie (IFCS/UFRJ). Auteur de: Os desvalidos de Eros, Algumas reflexões sobre a imaginação, Poeziè di Gandire la Heidegger, Les diableries de L’humour, Image et affection: esquisse d’une interprétation spinosiste, parmi d’autres œuvres. Professeur conférenciste au sein de la Pós-graduação PUC/Rio dans la discipline : “As vertentes éticas e epistemológicas da imagem”; Membre de la Chaire Unesco sur l’Imaginaire (Italie), Coordinatrice du G.E.I. (Groupe d’études sur l’Imaginaire) qui réunit des chercheurs des universités brésiliennes PUC/Rio, UnB et UFRJ.



How to Cite

Arruda, Francimar. 2012. “La Psychanalyse matérielle Chez Bachelard”. Altre Modernità, October, 180-85.