“This is a public service announcement... with guitar!” Le frontiere dell'impolitico e la musica nella letteratura contemporanea


  • Luigi Franchi Università degli Studi di Bologna




Sottoculture - Rave - Skinhead - Conflitto sociale


Although the characters of Izzo’s Total Khéops do not belong to any political organisation, their gestures, even if in a peculiar way, may be referred to as political. Similarly, the subcultural groups depicted in King’s Skinheads and Santoni’s Muro di casse deploy a series of everyday practices, political as well, which are completely different from the ones expressed by the ballots. Analysing the strategies of focalization used within these novels, this essay aims at describing how the personal involvement into subcultures represents a form of resistance against the discipline imposed to the bodies by the capitalist system of production and how it also provides alternative ways of socialization, which allow members of subcultures to question at its core the frontiers of what can or cannot be considered a political act.


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Author Biography

Luigi Franchi, Università degli Studi di Bologna

Luigi Franchi ha conseguito nel 2017 un dottorato di ricerca in Letterature comparate presso l'Università di Bologna con una tesi dedicata allo studio della rappresentazione letteraria del conflitto politico e sociale. Ha pubblicato diversi articoli in rivista ("Between", "Griseldaonline" e "Nuova rivista letteraria") e ha partecipato in qualitˆ di relatore a convegni in Italia e all'estero.



How to Cite

Franchi, Luigi. 2018. “‘This Is a Public Service announcement. With guitar!’ Le Frontiere dell’impolitico E La Musica Nella Letteratura Contemporanea”. Altre Modernità, February, 104-15. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/9707.



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