Il collezionismo degli scarti e resti: chiffonniers contemporanei


  • Francesca Valdinoci Università degli studi di Bologna


Palabras clave:

rejects; waste; chiffonniers; collecting; counter-memory; forgotten archive; biofiction


Since the 19th century, along with the expansion of the capitalist system, we see a growing attention to industrial waste as well as an increasing interest for the refuses of history. The recovery of these fragments, left aside from the official narration, represents the condemnation of a selection system which has often been an instrument of power and oppression. Thanks to the developing awareness of this mechanism, art takes on the task of exhuming and enhancing those waste materials through an archaeological perspective. The chiffonier, characterized by this archaeological vocation, is an emblematic figure of Paris during the Second Empire and a collector of the fragments of history. The main characters of Homer & Langley by Doctorow and Raymond Isidore e la sua cattedrale by Franzosini are contemporary chiffonniers who, through their works, create a monument to the objects of waste, while these biographical fictions rehabilitate the narration of these “wasted lives” dominated by mental alienation


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Biografía del autor/a

Francesca Valdinoci, Università degli studi di Bologna

After graduating in Italian literature at Università di Bologna, in 2018 she received her Ph.D. in Lingue, Letterature e Culture comparate, curriculum "Miti dell'Europa nelle arti e nella letteratura", at Università di Firenze and Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, with a dissertation on "I rfiuti nella arti e nella letteratura. Contromemoria e memoria dell'umano", from which it has been adapted an essay soon pubblished with Firenze University Press. She pubblished papers and parteciped in several congresses in Italian and Comparative literature in Italy and abroad. She also carries out some reserches on didactic and currently working on interdisciplinary projects for secondary schools. She passed the Concorso scuola 2016 and now teaches in a pubblic school in Bologna.



Cómo citar

Valdinoci, Francesca. 2020. «Il Collezionismo Degli Scarti E Resti: Chiffonniers Contemporanei». Altre Modernità, enero, 155-68.