Linguistic patterns and frames in the context of the concept “wall in minds”



Palabras clave:

wall in minds, border, frame semantics, corpus analysis


For more than 30 years, the inner-German border as a physical border
between the GDR and FRG no longer existed. From a linguistic perspective, unification
can be assumed. The linguistic differences between the former East and West Germans
are smaller than those between the different German dialect speakers. However,
categories such as Ossi, East German or Wessi, West German can still be found today,
although the terms for the inhabitants of the GDR (Ossi, Ostdeutsch, Ostler etc.) are
more productive. The physical inner-German border seems to turn into a wall in
people's minds. This article takes up the current discourse and asks about the
underlying patterns and frames that constitute this mental border or enable its
reconstruction. Autobiographical narrative interviews with people of two age groups
who grew up or were socialised at the former inner-German border serve as a basis.


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Biografía del autor/a

Nicole Palliwoda, University of Siegen

Nicole Palliwoda is project coordinator (Post Doc) in the Academy project "Dialektatlas
Mittleres Westdeutschland (DMW)" at the University of Siegen (since 2016). She studied
Germanic linguistics, literary studies and educational science at the Technical University
of Dresden and completed her doctorate on the topic "Das Konzept ‚Mauer in den
Köpfen‘– Der Einfluss der Priming-Methode auf die Sprechprobenverortung und -
bewertung" at the Christian Albrechts University of Kiel (2016). In 2010-2016, she was a
lecturer and research assistant in the DFG project "Der deutsche Sprachraum aus der
Sicht linguistischer Laien" at Christian Albrechts University of Kiel. Her research interests
include dialectology, sociolinguistics, perceptual dialectology.

Verena Sauer, Christian Albrechts University of Kiel

Verena Sauer is a Post Doc at the Christian Albrechts University of Kiel (since 2016). She
studied Germanic linguistics and Politics at the Technical University of Dresden and
completed her doctorate on the topic "Dialektgrenzen - Grenzdialekte. Die Struktur der
itzgründischen Dialektlandschaft an der ehemaligen deutsch-deutschen Grenze" at the
Christian Albrechts University of Kiel (2018). Her research interests include dialectology,
sociolinguistics, perceptual dialectology, and frame semantics.

Stephanie Sauermilch, Westfälische Wilhelms- University of Münster

Stephanie Sauermilch is since 01/2018 research assistant in the academy project
“Dialektatlas Mittleres Westdeutschland (DMW)” at the Westfälische Wilhelms-
University of Münster. From 04/2013 to 03/2018 she was research assistant at the chair
of Prof. Dr. Helmut Spiekermann at the Westfälische Wilhelms-University of Münster.
She studied Indo-Germanic studies and Germanic linguistics at the Friedrich-Schiller
University of Jena and Germanic linguistics at the Technical University of Dresden. Her
main research interests include variation linguistics, perceptual dialectology and
sociolinguistics. She has published anthologies and essays in the field of variation
linguistics, Low German and especially on the topic of the language situation at the
former inner-German border and its perception.



Cómo citar

Palliwoda, Nicole, Verena Sauer, y Stephanie Sauermilch. 2021. «Linguistic Patterns and Frames in the Context of the Concept “wall in minds”». Altre Modernità, n.º 25 (mayo):96-120.