Las negras rioplatenses: entre la invisibilidad y el mito


  • Mar Langa Pizarro


Palabras clave:

mujer negra, esclavitud, negritud, Río de la Plata, Paraguay, etapa colonial.


Slavery, which plaid a significant role in several ancient civilizations around the world, was supported by philosophers, theologians and popes. Even if its importance has been underestimated, the presence of black women and men is stated from the first expeditions to the River Plate (many times, by means of illegal traffic). Led by bishop Vitoria, that traffic increased since the late 16th century. Black women were often sexually exploited but, instead of paying attention to their problems, much of the literature has ignored them or has created an archetypal woman, characterized by beauty, sensuality and eroticism. With some exceptions, this image remains in our days.


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Biografía del autor/a

Mar Langa Pizarro

Doctora en Filología Hispánica. Directora del Coloquio Internacional Encuentros con la Literatura Paraguaya (2003), y de la Página Fernando Iwasaki (BVMC, 2011), es autora de Literatura española actual (Castalia, 2007, con Á.L. Prieto de Paula), Guido Rodríguez Alcalá (FBVMC, 2002), Del franquismo a la posmodernidad (UA, 2000 y 2002), y de los capítulos sobre literatura paraguaya en Historia del Paraguay (Taurus, 2010 y 2011) e Historia de la Literatura Hispanoamericana III (Cátedra, 2008). Editó Literatura paraguaya actual (UA, 2005) y coordinó La mujer en el mundo colonial americano (2010) y Revisiones de la literatura paraguaya (2002, con J.V. Peiró). Ultima un libro sobre las mujeres rioplatenses del siglo XVI.



Cómo citar

Langa Pizarro, Mar. 2011. «Las Negras Rioplatenses: Entre La Invisibilidad Y El Mito». Altre Modernità, n.º 6 (diciembre):163-76.



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