Framing Migrant Memories: Lampedusa's Fragmented Archives



Palabras clave:

Lampedusa; Black Mediterranean; Border Spectacle; Mario Badagliacca's Fragments; photography and poetry; Maaza Mengiste's “Nepenthe”; African Diaspora; Archives


The small island of Lampedusa, a key destination of the Central Mediterranean Route connecting Africa to Italy, offers a special observatory on the contemporary trans-Mediterranean odyssey of migrants, although often transformed into a “border spectacle.” Upon landing, migrants are stripped of their belongings, as these are impounded by the authorities. Such an act of dispossession is intended to deprive them of their histories, family ties and cultural identity. Photographer Mario Badagliacca has portrayed a selection of these lost and retrieved items in his work Fragments (2013). Each object reveals expectations, fears, desires, endurance, but cannot tell a full story. They are fragments of an open-ended narrative that requires to be framed and told, if we wish to gain a better understanding of the Black Mediterranean, its history, and consequences. What remains untold can only be imagined. Writer Maaza Mengiste imagines what lies behind two smudged photographs portrayed by Badagliacca. As always, the force of imagination provides signification, solidarity, and survival in the fractured history of the African Diaspora.


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Biografía del autor/a

Alessandra Di Maio, Università degli Studi di Palermo

Alessandra Di Maio is an Associate Professor of English and African Literature at the University of Palermo, Italy. She divides her time between Italy and the US, where she taught at several academic institutions (UCLA, CUNY Brooklyn College, Columbia, Smith College). Currently she is a fellow at the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University. A scholar of literature from Africa and the Diaspora, her area of research includes visual, migratory, and gender studies, with a particular attention to the formation of national and transnational cultural identities. Her formulation of the Black Mediterranean has been central to her research and field activities in the past years. Among her publications are numerous articles and the volumes Tutuola at the University. The Italian Voice of a Yoruba Ancestor (2000), the collection An African Renaissance (2006), Wor(l)ds in Progress. A Study of Contemporary Migrant Writings (2008), Dedica a Wole Soyinka (ed. 2012), and La letteratura nigeriana in lingua inglese (2020). She has translated into Italian several authors from Africa and the Diaspora, including Nigerian Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka, with whom she has conceived the poetry/photo anthology Migrazioni/Migrations (2016) and guest edited the 60th Anniversary Special Issue “The Black in the Mediterranean Blue” of Transition. The Magazine of Africa and the Diaspora (2021). She is the editor of the African Literary Series for Francesco Brioschi Editore.


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Cómo citar

Di Maio, Alessandra. 2022. «Framing Migrant Memories: Lampedusa’s Fragmented Archives». Altre Modernità, n.º 27 (mayo):1-17.