Autonomies/Monotonies: Teaching Languages before and after the Covid Era



Palabras clave:

ESP; Learner Autonomy; language learning; innovating curricula; assessment; constructivist pedagogies


In search for a constructive response to the Covid pandemic, which exacerbated rather than caused the current crisis of university education, this article reports an implementation process of student-oriented teaching practices into an ESP curriculum of management-oriented study at a technological university, i.e., in an interdisciplinary environment, which, perhaps paradoxically, struggles with interdisciplinary approaches, deindividuation, compartmentalization of learning, and, consequently, with varying degrees of student engagement. Exploring students’ (in-)ability and (un-)willingness to become autonomous learners in the Covid era and beyond, the authors rethink students’ exposure to pedagogical tools and methods designed to foster student autonomy and combat instructional monotony including networking, telecollaboration, language coaching, alternative assessment methods, and discuss consumption of online education in general. Face to face with the volatile dynamics of technologically mediated interactions and evolving teacher/student roles, the article critically assesses the growing emphasis on students’ autonomy which is – much like the ability to cope without social contact – often taken for granted rather than systematically trained.


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Biografía del autor/a

Monika Hrebackova, University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague

Monika Hrebackova leads language, intercultural, and social competence courses to BSc and MSc students at School of Business of the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, the Czech Republic. Currently, she runs the Erasmus projects CORALL on autonomous learning and Learn2Change on collaborative digital storytelling for sustainable change. She publishes on the topics of innovative teaching and learning. Her publications include “Teaching intercultural communicative competence through virtual exchange.” Training, Language and Culture, 3(4) 2019, 8-17. doi: 10.29366/2019tlc.3.4.1

Martin Štefl, UCT School of Business in Prague

Martin Štefl holds a Ph.D. in English Philology; works at the UCT School of Business in Prague and teaches courses in ESP and skills training, in particular critical thinking; he researches into philosophy of business, critical thinking and ELT. His publications include Pfingsthorn J. et al. “Interculturality and Professional Identity”. Interculturality and the English Language Classroom. Palgrave Macmillan, 202; Štefl, M. “The Human/Machine: Science Fiction as a Primer for Critical Thinking”. Mapping the Imaginative I. Anglistik & Englischunterricht 92 (2020). The Universitätsverlag Winter.


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Cómo citar

Hrebackova, Monika, y Martin Štefl. 2022. «Autonomies/Monotonies: Teaching Languages before and After the Covid Era». Altre Modernità, n.º 27 (mayo):65-82.