When a Party Paper Meets COVID-19: Crisis and Legitimacy in Renmin Ribao’s Commentary Articles




Palabras clave:

Frame analysis; Chinese media; journalistic genres; News commentary; People’s Daily; Covid-19


Similar to many other countries, journalistic production in China during the first half of 2020 was dominated on a thematic level by the COVID-19 pandemic. The trend included the mouthpiece of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Renmin Ribao. Its news and commentary articles, which are widely republished by other media, influence the country’s political life, and contribute to the process of meaning generation in the news discourse and to the CCP’s effort to align Chinese citizens to official narratives. Renmin Ribao can therefore provide a relevant source to investigate the relationship between political power and the COVID-19 pandemic, starting from the hypothesis that the paper’s narrative would aim at discursively turning the international health crisis into a piece of positive propaganda. This study aims to verify whether and how the paper did so, and to question the assumption that the outlet’s media discourse can be equated to the CCP official discourse.

The research is developed as a case study and blends quantitative and qualitative tools grounded on Applied Linguistics, Discourse-Historical Approach, and Frame Analysis, in order to analyse a corpus of commentaries that have appeared in the outlet’s online edition in 2020. By applying a Genre Analysis approach, the study also offers insights into the possibility to identify distinguishing characteristics and communicative goals in the different sub-genres of Renmin Ribao commentaries.


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Biografía del autor/a

Emma Lupano, Università degli Studi di Cagliari

Emma Lupano is associate professor of Chinese language and culture at the University of Cagliari. Previously, she worked at the University of Milan, at Peking University and at the China Media Project of the University of Hong Kong. Her research interests lie in China’s contemporary culture and society, the relation between the institutional and the media discourses in China, and genres and professional practice in Chinese journalism. She has also been a reporter at the People’s Daily in Beijing. She is the author of two books on Chinese media and a number of journal articles and edited volume chapters.


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Cómo citar

Lupano, Emma. 2022. «When a Party Paper Meets COVID-19: Crisis and Legitimacy in Renmin Ribao’s Commentary Articles». Altre Modernità, n.º 28 (noviembre):101-18. https://doi.org/10.54103/2035-7680/19122.



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