¡Ni te me acerques! (Stay Away!) Negotiating Physical Distancing in Hispanophone Corona Fictions




Palabras clave:

pandemic; narrative; physical distancing; literature; film


In March 2020, more than 100 governments around the world imposed partial or full lockdown policies prohibiting people to leave their homes except for activities deemed essential (e.g. procuring food, going to work) to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmissions. Furthermore, authorities, media and peers encouraged people to adopt physical distancing behaviors, requesting not to touch each other and even keep a distance of at least one to two meters from one another.

Cultural and literary productions—so-called Corona Fictions—represent and process the multitude of ways the population perceived and coped with the lockdown situation during the pandemic and its diverse effects. While literary texts written during confinement and published in anthologies focus on emotional states enhanced by the psychological impact of the lockdown, the narratives in films such as Norberto Ramos del Val’s ¡Ni te me acerques! (2020) focus on negotiating the process of physical distancing itself.

This contribution will, thus, look at the representations of physical distancing in written and audiovisual productions from the first lockdown and analyze the similarities therein. From a cultural studies point of view, we are particularly interested in the ways these Corona Fictions negotiate physical distancing, isolation and self-reflection in their narratives of the respective medium.


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Biografía del autor/a

Julia Obermayr

Julia Obermayr studied French, Spanish, and Austrian Sign Language in Graz and abroad. She did her PhD at the University of Graz and in LGBT+ archives in Los Angeles, Toronto, Montreal, Madrid, and Barcelona. In 2019, she received the 14th Scientific Award of the Austrian-Canadian Society for her doctoral thesis on Female Identities in Lesbian Web Series (transcript, 2020). She specializes in cultural and LGBT+ studies, as well as female representations in audiovisual media, mainly in Romance speaking Europe and the Americas. Dr. Obermayr currently works for Corona Fictions (FWF, P 34571-G).

Yvonne Völkl

Yvonne Völkl studied French philology in Graz, Paris, and Montreal. In 2011, she received a PhD in French Studies with “Discourses of Memory in Quebec’s Franco-Jewish Migrant Literature” (Peter Lang, 2013). In her habilitation, she explored Gendered Ways of Worldmaking in the French and Spanish Spectator Press of the 18th century (transcript, 2022). Currently, Dr. Völkl leads the research project Corona Fictions. On Viral Narratives in Times of Pandemics (Austrian Science Fund, FWF, P 34571-G).


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Cómo citar

Obermayr, Julia, y Yvonne Völkl. 2022. «¡Ni Te Me Acerques! (Stay Away!) Negotiating Physical Distancing in Hispanophone Corona Fictions». Altre Modernità, n.º 28 (noviembre):158-74. https://doi.org/10.54103/2035-7680/19125.



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