El dinamismo de la imaginación y la pulsión de volar: una revisitación de Bachelard


  • Fernando Burgos



Palabras clave:

Bachelard, experience of imagination, Alsino, the flows of imagining, drive of flying, persistence of psychical energy, imagining as becoming.


Among the most provocative propositions inaugurated by Bachelard’s work one cannot miss his reflection on the question of imagination as “a major force of human nature” (The Poetics of Space), anticipating thus the premise that the productivity of imagination does not reside—as was usually thought—in its capacity for creating images derived from reality but in “the faculty of forming images which would surpass reality” (Water and Dreams). In pursuing these ideas, Bachelard—apart from enriching the hermeneutical apparatus around the elucidation of literary works—was able to take his writing at the center of the becoming of the imagination as well as into the transcendental phenomena of the poetic vision. His understanding of the experience of imagination as a becoming would make possible the internalization of the flow of the imagining as an organic entity which could not possibly be ascribed to pragmatic fields of representation nor to chronological or linear dimensions. My essay reflects on the above referred principles which are essential to Bachelard’s construction of his poetics of imagination. Additionally, I contextualize these ideas with an analyses of the imaginative processes found in Pedro Prado’s work Alsino, a poetic novel that can be situated in the antipodes of rationality since its drive for the construct of the ascensional pertain to both the realm of the oneiric, and the plane of an enduring psychical energy.


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Biografía del autor/a

Fernando Burgos

Fernando Burgos es Graduado de Profesor de Español por la Universidad de Chile y doctorado en Lenguas Romances por la Universidad de Florida.  Actualmente es Profesor Titular en la Universidad de Memphis, Estados Unidos. La novela moderna hispanoamericana (Madrid, 1985, 1990) Vertientes de la modernidad hispanoamericana (Caracas, 1995), Cuentos de Hispanoamérica en el siglo XX (3 tomos, Madrid, 1997), Los escritores y la creación en Hispanoamérica (Madrid, 2004), Un lector y un escritor tras el enigma: la narrativa de Enrique Jaramillo (Panamá, 2010) se encuentran entre los once libros que ha publicado. Ha contribuido con más de setenta artículos aparecidos en revistas europeas, latinoamericanas y estadounidenses.  Ha sido invitado a dictar conferencias magistrales en la Universidad de Cincinnati, Estados Unidos y la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú y distinguido con varios premios de investigación, tales como el Dunavant Professorship, el Premio SPUR (Superior Performance in University Research), y el Premio de Reconocimiento Distinguido en la Investigación y Creatividad en las Humanidades.



Cómo citar

Burgos, Fernando. 2012. «El Dinamismo De La imaginación Y La pulsión De Volar: Una revisitación De Bachelard». Altre Modernità, octubre, 35-46. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/2402.



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