Come i Maya avrebbero visto la fine del tredicesimo baktun


  • Antonio Aimi Università degli Studi di Milano
  • Raphael Tunesi


Palabras clave:

Conto Lungo, Maya, 2012


From the calendrical, epigraphic and colonial data about Maya vision of creation and of the date there are elements to suppose that Maya themselves could have consider the end of the thirteenth baktun both as an apocalyptic passage or as a “normal”, though very very rare, date.

Among those in favor of an apocalyptic vision may be stated that:

1) the 4 Ajaw 3 K'ank'in two of the three Maya calendars present the same dates (among them the most important one: that of the ritual calendar 4 Ajaw) and then the same influences of the day of creation;

2) The god Bolon Yookte’ is in some cases associated with creation, with a prominent role in the documents of the Colonial Period;

3) the idea that in the past there had been other creations of humanity.

Among those to the detriment of an apocalyptic vision may be stated that:

1) the creation event, that of the day 4 Ajaw 8 Kumku', is unique and unrepeatable;

2) the conception of cyclical creations is the result of influence Mexica and does not appear in the thought of the Classic Maya

3) December 21, 2012 does not reset the Long Count but switches it to;

4) do not recur exactly all the same influences on the day of creation, the day of the month is different: instead of 8 Kumku' does occur 3 Kank'in;

5) in the documents of the Classic Period Bolon Yookte' is not the deus ex machina of creation, a role that belongs to God and God L D, but only one of those present.


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Biografía del autor/a

Antonio Aimi, Università degli Studi di Milano

Antonio Aimi è un americanista che lavora all’interpretazione delle fonti (reperti e testi) delle culture precolombiane nell'area d'intersezione di diverse discipline (l'antropologia, la storia, la storia della letteratura, l'estetica).

Raphael Tunesi

Raphael Tunesi è un ricercatore indipendente specializzato nell’epigrafia maya. Ha scoperto un nuovo re di Tikal, una versione molto rara della sillaba <yu> e ha proposto una nuova lettura della storia di Calakmul e del Periodo Epiclassico.



Cómo citar

Aimi, Antonio, y Raphael Tunesi. 2013. «Come I Maya Avrebbero Visto La Fine Del Tredicesimo Baktun». Altre Modernità, junio, 48-56.



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