Catástrofe y no catastrofismo en las poéticas de Benedetti, Gelman, Hahn y Romero


  • Silvana Serrani UNICAMP


Palabras clave:

Poesia, Benedetti, Gelman, Hahn, Romero, Catástrofe


Which significant expressive singularities can be pointed out in the poetic expression of apocalyptic issues in Southern Cone Spanish American poetry? This paper focuses on the poetics of four authors who produced part of their work in exile, as a result of apocalyptic XXth Century dictatorships in the Latin-American Southern Cone: Mario Benedetti (Uruguay), Juan Gelman (Argentina),Oscar Hahn (Chile) and Elvio Romero (Paraguay). Our thematic approach does not concentrate on the Biblical Apocalypse or St John´s myths in literature, but, rather, on the poetic expressions of historical ruptures or extraordinary disasters. The paper takes into account the notion of (poetic) constellation (Monteleone, 2003 & 2010) to explain the non-exhaustivity of the group of poetics and the relevance of considering these four formally dissimilar poetics together. A synthetic characterization of each of the poetics is presented, based on well-known critical studies, discussing and exemplifying: neo-manierism and elements of fantasy literature in Hahn´s poetry; torrential wordiness and symbolism in Gelman´s poetry; “realism” and songs of heroic deeds in Romero´s poetry and “humorous” colloquialism in Benedetti´s poetry. Finally, using Discourse Studies, mainly, the interdiscourse concept (Foucault, [1969]2012; Pêcheux, [1990]2009), we show that, despite the underlying differences between the four poetics, two points of convergence can be pointed out: non-catastrophism and the universal approach of (even local) issues pervading the constellation composed by those four poetic expressions.


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Biografía del autor/a

Silvana Serrani, UNICAMP

Silvana Serrani es profesora del Instituto de Estudios del Lenguaje de la Universidad de Campinas (UNICAMP) desde 1981. Hizo su Post-doctorado en Estudios Transculturales en la Columbia University, USA (2005). Actualmente ocupa cargo de profesora catedrática y coordina el Centro de Estudos Hispano-americanos. Sus proyectos actuales son: Memoria poética y canon del Cono Sur en antologías y Poética de las migraciones hispanoamericanas. Publicaciones recientes: “Estudos Discursivos: Imigração, Língua e Interculturalidade no Cone-Sul Latino-americano”, Eutomia, 2012; Poesía hispanoamericana del Cono Sur en antologías bilingües: dialogismo y pluralidad cultural”, AIH, VI, Hispanoamérica (eds. S. Tedeschi y S. Botta) Roma, Bagatto Libri, 2012. Libro: Letramento, Discurso e Trabalho Docente, Vinhedo, Brasil, 2010.



Cómo citar

Serrani, Silvana. 2013. «Catástrofe Y No Catastrofismo En Las poéticas De Benedetti, Gelman, Hahn Y Romero». Altre Modernità, junio, 241-55.



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