La stratégie communicative de Nicolas Sarkozy


  • Susanna Pigliapochi Università degli Studi di Milano


Parole chiave:

communication politique, médias, campagne électorale, personnalisation, Nicolas Sarkozy, séduction


This essay analyses the communicational strategy followed by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, before, during and after his rise to power. Starting from the studies on political communication carried out by the sociologists Dominique Wolton and Jacques Gerstlé, this paper traces the innovative stylistic elements of Sakozy's political language, highlighting the reasons of his election success and the causes of his fluctuating popularity afterwards. Moreover, the French President's finely structured media strategy is investigated, focusing in particular on the personalization tendency and the building of a powerful public image. Furthermore, this essay examines the main symbols and communicational themes utilized by the French President, with the aim of  exploring and evaluating their influence on the electorate and on the public opinion.


Caricamento metriche ...

Biografia autore

Susanna Pigliapochi, Università degli Studi di Milano

Licence en Langues et Littératures Etrangères (Università di Bologna, 2007). Maîtrise en Langues, Cultures et Communication Internationale (Università degli Studi di Milano, 2009). Études des langages spécialisés, en particulier du langage politique, juridique et économique. Études comparés du phénomène de la contrefaçon dans les contextes français et italiens. Mémoire de maîtrise (2009) sur le rôle de la Douane et des autorités portuaires dans la lutte à la contrefaçon en France et Italie. Publication: "Les passions dans la campagne électorale 2007", J. Morgante (a cura di), 2008, Passion françaises, passions des Français. Séminaire d'Études Culturelles, Milano, Cuem.




Come citare

Pigliapochi, Susanna. 2010. «La stratégie Communicative De Nicolas Sarkozy». Altre Modernità, n. 3 (aprile):120-32.