Once upon a time on the air: i radiodrammi di Angela Carter





The rewriting, often a contraposition (critical, ideological, and historical) to another text, is at the basis of Angela Carter’s dramatic works. For Angela Carter, dramatic rewriting is not the transposition of her short stories, it is not a mere adaptation to the radio, to the cinema, or to television, but a proper rewriting of her narrative material. This essay focuses on Angela Carter’s works for radio, particularly those radio plays, such as The Company of Wolves, Puss in Boots and Vampirella, whose narrative version was published in The Bloody Chamber. Carter’s radio plays are built, as she wrote, “not for creating dramas on a theatrical model so much to create complex, many-layered narratives that play tricks with time”, having in mind that the radio, like narrative, does not show, but suggests. What was fascinating to Angela Carter was the third dimension of the radio, the sound, and the shift from a  "point of view” to a “point of hearing”.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Fernando Cioni, Università degli Studi di Firenze

Fernando Cioni insegna Letteratura Inglese all’Università di Firenze. Si occupa di filologia shakespeariana e di storia del teatro inglese. Ha curato con Virginia Mason Vaughan e Jacquelyn Bessel Speaking Pictures (2010). Per Rizzoli ha curato l’edizione annotata di A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2013) e la riedizione del teatro di Shakespeare tradotto da Baldini. È general editor del New Variorum di The Taming of the Shrew. Nel 2018 ha pubblicato Shylock’s tribes: The Merchant of Venice in scena (BUP). Sta lavorando a una monografia sugli adattamenti shakespeariani e a un volume dal titolo Jewish Characters on the Early Modern English Stage.




Comment citer

Cioni, Fernando. 2018. « Once Upon a Time on the Air: I Radiodrammi Di Angela Carter ». Altre Modernità, nᵒ 19 (mai):159-74. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/10119.



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