Cinematic London: Brexit and symbolic power


  • Rahoul Masrani London School of Economics and Political Science


Mots-clés :

London, Brexit, City, Symbolic Power, Global City, Cinema


In this paper, I examine the ways in which London’s symbolic power and, correlatively, its cinematic image, are evolving in the post-European Union referendum era. This paper identifies the ways in which the possible changes in London’s material and cinematic image as a dynamic, opening and welcoming city are beginning to manifest themselves in mainstream cinema and cinema-inspired advertising. In particular, I provide an assessment of the current state of the British film industry, highlighting the ways in which EU-funded programmes, like Creative Europe, provide filmmakers in the UK with access to funds and potentially wide distribution. I then discuss the impact the Brexit decision has had on London-based films released after the referendum. Finally, I provide a sociological-thematic analysis, influenced by discourse analysis and semiotic analysis, of two film-themed advertisements (London is the City of Film and Nothing Beats a Londoner), demonstrating the ways in which the uncertainly following the EU referendum is manifested on screen. Ultimately, this paper provides an Saggi/Ensayos/Essais/Essays N. 20 – 11/2018 157 insight into the ways in which London’s material and cinematic identities are evolving as the city and indeed the rest of the UK re-evaluate their place on the global stage.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Rahoul Masrani, London School of Economics and Political Science

Dr Rahoul Masrani is a visiting fellow in the Department of Media and Communications at the London School of Economics and Political Science. In his research, he explores the ways in which the media construct identities and contribute to a narrative on power and society. In particular, he is interested in cinematic representations and how they reconstruct and maintain the symbolic power of the global city.




Comment citer

Masrani, Rahoul. 2018. « Cinematic London: Brexit and Symbolic Power ». Altre Modernità, nᵒ 20 (novembre):156-70.



Saggi Ensayos Essais Essays