He towd her soe monny a mad farrant Tele: On flotsam, respellings and the enregisterment of l-vocalisation and /a/+nasal in the Late Modern Lancashire dialect




Mots-clés :

flotsam; respelling; enregisterment; Lancashire dialect; Late Modern English


This paper addresses the concept of flotsam in relation to language by examining the non-standard spellings used in a selection of literary representations of the Lancashire dialect written in the Late Modern English period. The analysis is placed within the framework of enregisterment and indexicality, which I explore in combination with recent sociolinguistic approaches to the study of orthography. Attention is paid to two of the frequently occurring features in these speech recreations (l-vocalisation and the rounding of /a/+nasal), arguing that the respellings employed to represent them can be taken as instances of flotsam in that they contribute to highlighting and enregistering linguistic differences.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Javier Ruano-García, University of Salamanca, Spain

Javier Ruano-García is Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics in the Department of English Philology at the University of Salamanca (Spain). His main research interests include dialect variation of the Early and Late Modern English periods, literary representations of dialect, historical regional lexicography, sociolinguistics, and corpus linguistics. He is the author of Early Modern Northern English Lexis: A Literary Corpus-Based Study (Peter Lang, 2010) and is one of the compilers of The Salamanca Corpus: A Digital Archive of English Dialect Texts. He has recently completed a scholarly edition of White Kennett’s Etymological Collections of English Words and Provincial Expressions (Oxford University Press, 2018).




Comment citer

Ruano-García, Javier. 2020. « He Towd Her Soe Monny a Mad Farrant Tele: On Flotsam, Respellings and the Enregisterment of L-Vocalisation and /A/+nasal in the Late Modern Lancashire Dialect ». Altre Modernità, janvier, 16-34. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/12740.



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