“American National Literature. Is there any such thing – or, can there ever be?”: Walt Whitman e le strategie di selezione del canone tra discorso metaletterario e politica culturale


  • Francesca Razzi Università degli Studi “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara



Mots-clés :

Walt Whitman; American literature; canon; literary criticism; journalism


The present contribution deals with the strategies of selection, which lay at the basis of the so-called national literary canons, by examining a number of critical prose essays written by the American poet Walt Whitman. Under a sociological perspective, Whitman’s essays may be considered not only as mere literary texts, but also as a specimen of meta-literary discourse, fostering the development of the American literary field of the late-Nineteenth century, in its entangled relations with and within the literary marketplace (authors, readers, and publishing industry). Through their publication on the periodical press, Whitman’s essays enact complex strategies of selection, aimed at constructing a national literature by means of references to previous traditions – either by choosing or discarding their aesthetic and ideological paradigms. At the same time, the cultural role performed by magazines and newspapers in post-Civil War America testifies to the double process of legitimization of literary authorship, and commodification of the literary work available to a wide audience mainly made up of middle-class readers.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Francesca Razzi, Università degli Studi “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara

Francesca Razzi is PhD in British and American literature and adjunct professor of American literature at “G. D’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara. Her research areas include nineteenth-century British and American literature, also under a comparative approach, and the relation between literature and visual arts. She has presented at national and international conferences in American Studies (AISNA Conferences Naples 2015, Milan 2017; Futures of American Studies Institute Seminar at Dartmouth College (USA) 2017, European and British Association for American Studies Conference London 2018).




Comment citer

Razzi, Francesca. 2020. « “American National Literature. Is There Any Such Thing – Or, Can There Ever be?”: Walt Whitman E Le Strategie Di Selezione Del Canone Tra Discorso Metaletterario E Politica Culturale ». Altre Modernità, janvier, 254-63. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/12955.