Keeping the Threat Out Trump’s Discourse, the Wall and the “Other”



Mots-clés :

borders, nationalism, populism, proximization, Trump


This paper discusses the discourse strategies used by former US President Donald Trump in the tweets in which he discusses the construction of the wall between the US and Mexico. Border walls play a very important role in today’s world in that they characterise discourses of exclusion and othering in geopolitical and cultural terms and indicate a revival of nationalism.  By employing Proximization Theory, this paper shows how certain lexico-grammatical features of Trump’s tweets contribute to a nationalist and populist discourse which legitimises the construction of the wall on the basis of the threat coming from an “Other”.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Massimiliano Demata, Università degli Studi di Torino

Massimiliano Demata is Associate Professor of English Language and Translation at the University of Turin. He was a Fulbright Research Scholar at Yale University (1999) and Indiana University (2014), and DAAD Visiting Professor at Saarland University (2020). He has published monographs, book chapters and journal papers on political and media discourse, the language of populism, George W. Bush, Donald Trump, cybercrime and climate change refugees. His current research focuses on Border Discourse and Computer-Mediated Communication.




Comment citer

Demata, Massimiliano. 2021. « Keeping the Threat Out Trump’s Discourse, the Wall and the “Other” ». Altre Modernità, nᵒ 25 (mai):270-86.