Reaching imaginary places: resonance and reverberation


  • Kristupas Sabolius


Mots-clés :

material imagination, dream, reverie, rhythm, resonance, reverberation


Based on Bachelard’s phenomenological take on the temporality of imagination, this paper analyzes a few works by Marcos Lutyens, a contemporary artist. Bachelard offers two concepts that bring about an altered temporality of material imagination: resonance and reverberation. Resonance is a dynamical condition through which the world discloses its imaginary opportunities: it oscillates with larger amplitude at some frequencies than it does at others. Under this intense state, the attunement of two rhythms, the rhythm of consciousness and the world-rhythm, can occur. Reverberation technically means a further step, i.e., a change in the configuration of our rhythmical settings through the intrusion of an alien vibration: we are possessed by external rhythms; the so-called depth of our interiority is affected by an alien energy, and we vibrate in tune with alien rhythms.

By reshaping the rhythmical organization of one’s perception (using hypnosis, a trance state and registered body automatisms), Lutyens tries to trace pathways related to unconscious thought processes. Shifting the experience of duration, he moves through imaginary environments within the preconscious that are progressively charted and recorded. Consequently it appears that what is “penetration” in space is marked by resonance and reverberation in time.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Kristupas Sabolius

Kristupas Sabolius is a philosophy scholar from Vilnius University (Lithuania) and an ex-Fulbright fellow at Stony Brook (State University of New York). Sabolius obtained his doctorate from Vilnius University in 2008. His thesis was entitled “The Concept of Imagination in Phenomenological Philosophy”. In his research, Sabolius considers imagination as the point of intersections between phenomenology, psychoanalysis, arts, cinema, theatre or even neuroscience. The publication of his first book “Furious Sleep: Imagination and Phenomenology” is projected in September 2012 by Vilnius University Press.




Comment citer

Sabolius, Kristupas. 2012. « Reaching Imaginary Places: Resonance and Reverberation ». Altre Modernità, octobre, 105-17.



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