Una finestra sul passato: Irse de casa di Carmen Martín Gaite


  • Giulia Tosolini Università degli Studi di Udine



Mots-clés :

Carmen Martín Gaite, memoria, emigrazione, letteratura femminile,


Beyond historical and social implications, migration represents the possibility of crossing a threshold and opening oneself up to new empirical and emotional spaces. Amparo, the main character of Carmen Martín Gaite’s Irse de casa (1998), is the perfect personification of the gaitian feminine canon. After leaving Spain and settling in New York, she became a successful fashion designer, and seemed happy and easy-going. The bond with memory and the past is the main topic of this novel, as it is in most of Martín Gaite’s production. The window on the past that Amparo closed moving to the US suddenly reappears when she needs to discover herself and her origins. This inconvenience in an anonymous life brings huge changes that will condition her and her loved ones. Travelling to Spain and interacting with places and people connected with her childhood, Amparo goes through the window she had closed forty years before, restoring the order. The window connects the present and the past, symbolizes the emigrant’s transience, personified in the novel by Amparo, who can definitely find the lost serenity and heart’s-ease.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Giulia Tosolini, Università degli Studi di Udine

Giulia Tosolini. Laureata in Lingue e Letterature Moderne nel 2011 presso l’Università degli Studi di Udine con una tesi di letteratura spagnola contemporanea, da gennaio 2012 è affiliata al DILE dello stesso ateneo come dottoranda in Scienze Linguistiche e Letterarie con un progetto di ricerca sulla visione della moda nella narrativa femminile spagnola del dopoguerra.

Pubblicazioni recenti:

“Cernuda desde el umbral del exilio: dos elegías para España”, in Mario Martín Gijón, José Luis Llera (eds.), Luis Cernuda. Perspectivas europeas y del exilio, Xorki, Madrid, 2014.

“El Madrid de Juan José Millás: un aspecto dramático del sueño”, in Barbara Greco e Laura Pache Carballo (eds.), Variaciones de lo metarreal en la España de los siglos




Comment citer

Tosolini, Giulia. 2015. « Una Finestra Sul Passato: Irse De Casa Di Carmen Martín Gaite ». Altre Modernità, janvier, 27-37. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/4622.