Nombrar lo inexistente: los ‘objetos ausentes’ de Carlos Liscano




prison; Liscano; objects; Uruguay


The works of Carlos Liscano, detained in Libertad prison during the military dictatorship in Uruguay (1972-1985), seem to return the vibrant tension of an antagonistic discourse that plays its decisive game against power, the prison institution and the ideologies that structure it. Essential elements of such a process are the ‘absent objects’ that, as passages between one dimension and the other of writing - that of direct testimony and that of greater literary complexity - constitute access points to all of his poetic imagery. In this essay we will analyse the function of these minimal devices - but fundamental in Liscano's writing - especially in Lector Salteado (Vida del cuervo blanco, 2015), text in which it is possible to observe this process of 'memory, resistance and creation', which allows man continues to exist in conditions of deep suffering and deprivation. Simple objects, then, that in common life almost disappear, become, in prison, a metaphor of deep resistance. Their existence through language capable of evoking them, their possibility to be in absentia, determines a constant exercise that allows the detainee the only imaginable way of salvation. Orality and writing that evoke certain absences are imposed as instruments of the mind that cannot accept the lack of real referents and that builds a microcosm of signs, often shared with other prisoners, but also destined to the obsessive discourse of an isolated and fragile individuality: to the secret laboratory of a writer who is being trained, to the complex process of reading, writing, transcribing and rewriting that Liscano carries out.


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Author Biography

Emanuele Leonardi, Università di Padova

Emanuele Leonardi, is a professor of Spanish-American Language and Literatures at the Università di Padova (Italy). He has written several works on Argentine authors, among which: Four essays on Borges, Philosophy and Science (2008), Borges: Libro-Mundo y Espacio-Tiempo (2011) and Il postmoderno nella letteratura argentina: M. Fernández, JL Borges, AB Casares (2014). He has taught, between 2006 and 2008, at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UBA, in collaboration with Prof. M. L. Levinas, the courses: "Borges's Literature: Scenario of the Greatest Philosophical Enigmas and the Inescapable Questions of the Science" and "Philosophical games and scientific enigmas in Borges's literature ". In 2012, always at the UBA, as visiting professor of the Master's in Spanish and Latin American Literature, he has given the course "Borges: Libro-Mundo y Espacio-Tiepo". In 2015, as visiting professor of the Graduate Program in Literature at the Federal University of Santa Catarina Florianópolis (BR), he taught the course "Macedonio, Borges, Bioy Casares: trajectories of neo-fantastic as an epistemological metaphor". He is currently working on a project entitled "Memory, violence and denunciation: trajectories of testimony and author dynamics in Spanish-American literature between the 20th and 21st centuries."




How to Cite

Leonardi, Emanuele. 2021. “Nombrar Lo Inexistente: Los ‘objetos ausentes’ De Carlos Liscano”. Altre Modernità, March, 16-30.