Osservazioni sul ruolo e sulla funzione degli esegeti ateniesi





The aim of this essay is to analyze the political and legal role of the Athenian exegetes in the fifth and fourth century B.C. After a review of the scholarly debate about the origins, the number, and the identity of the exegetes, the paper focuses especially on the available literary sources, which make a clear distinction between two categories. First, there were the exegetes tout court (to be identified with the two groups qualified by inscriptions as Eupatrids and Pythochrestoi); they were consulted by private citizens in particularly complicated situations, and the application of their “laws” allowed their clients to give the proper start to a possible legal action. Then, there were the Eumolpid exegetes, whose province was generally the Eleusinian cult and particularly ἀσέβεια committed during the Mysteries. The application of the archaic and severe νόμοι they guarded gave rise to doubts and controversies, both because the same topic was also regulated by the laws of the city, and because – as I suppose in the paper – the limits of their exegesis were clearly defined only in the middle of the fourth century. Given the different provinces of the two groups, it is impossible to talk about the Athenian exegetes as a homogeneous category. Nonetheless, some conclusions can be drawn for both the Eumolpids and the other exegetes. The laws they guarded dealt with a subject generally designated as “sacred law”. Their activity on these laws – which were not public, unlike the νόμοι of the city that every citizen could consult – did not consist in what we call an “interpretation”. It consisted, instead (as the lexicographic evidence shows) in a simple explanation of their content


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