Two new gestures. On Peirce's continuum and the existential graphs


  • Fernando Zalamea



The article presents two gestures corresponding to two profound new understandings of Peirce's Continuum (Vargas 2015) and Peirce's Existential Graphs (Oostra 2010). Vargas and Oostra have revolutionized Peirce's mathematical studies, thanks to a first complete model for Peirce's continuum provided by Vargas, and thanks to the emergence of intuitionistic existential graphs provided by Oostra. The article aims at showing how these careful mathematical constructions can be encrypted in very simple gestures.

Библиографические ссылки

Mazzola G., 2002: The topos of music, Basel, Birkhäuser.

Moore M., 2010: New essays on Peirce's mathematical philosophy, Chicago, Open Court.

Roberts D., 1963: The existential graphs of Charles S. Peirce, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Illinois.

Oostra A., 2010: Los gráficos Alfa de Peirce aplicados a la lógica intuicionista, «Cuadernos de Sistemática Peirceana» 2, pp. 25-60.

Oostra A., 2011: Gráficos existenciales Beta intuicionistas, «Cuadernos de Sistemática Peirceana» 3, pp. 53-78.

Vargas F., 2015: Modelos y variaciones sobre las ideas peirceanas del continuo, «Cuadernos de Sistemática Peirceana» 7, pp. 139-156.

Zalamea F., 2010: Towards a complex variable interpretation of Peirce’s existential graphs, in Bergman M. et. al. (eds.), Ideas in action. Proceedings of the Applying Peirce Conference, Helsinki, Nordic Pragmatism Network, 2010, pp. 254-264.

Zalamea F., 2012a: Peirce's logic of continuity, Boston, Docent Press.

Zalamea F., 2012b: Synthetic philosophy of contemporary mathematics, Falmouth / New York, Collapse / Sequence.

Zeman J. J., 1964: The graphical logic of C. S. Peirce, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Chicago.






Focus - Assessing Well-Being: Aesthetic and Political Atmospheres